All this time looking for a unifying element, and could it really be just that easy? Granted, there are some stories I've originally planned to include in the thesis which have no avians in them at all, but that'll work itself out one way or another.
I was just cruising some of my favorite bead-related blogs, and read this post by Luann Udell. In it, she mentions finding inspiration in different images of horses. She's got a horse theme going for her, guiding her even? As we know, I've got a bird theme going for me.
I once had a conversation with a woman named Tempest about how my creative totem/guide is an American Kestrel, a falcon which has long been one of my favorites - I admit one of my reasons for liking them is their small size which, at 5' 2", I identify with.
Now I'm wondering whether or not Totem, or something like that, would work as a thesis title. In Albatross and Strong Heart, my two solidly bird-related stories, the idea of bird as guide fits well. I also like the idea of the fairy tale tie-in, with the principle of the magical guide and the fact that those guides were often animals.
It might work.
"Totem" is a great title. That allows you a bit of wiggle room. Objects can be totems just as animals can. That should encompass pretty much any stories you had in mind.
And we all thought Tempest was just a tad bit.....odd?
Totem is an interesting title, it could even give you a way to organize the piece(s). The totem pole is set so that the wisest elder is at the bottom, letting the rest of the village ride on his shoulders. The class clown is basically on top. (So the 'bottom of the totem pole' saying is actually a misnomer.)
I don't know if you should name the collection "Totem" flat out. Maybe adding something to it...you let too much slide if you just put that in...the title of a piece acts like a guide so consider making it a specific totem--like a bird, or animals in general.
Maybe something like "Shattered Totem: Pieces of Birds"...
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