Friday, March 14, 2008

We're Covered

Andy, Jo, and I trekked over to the art/music building yesterday to have another consultation for the H. Eye cover. The abstract cover got redone in two color schemes and it took us about three minutes to decide on one of those versions as our pick. Viola! We have a cover for next year (this year's was already decided last year).

Within maybe a week or so we'll have our new and improved website available for the public eye. I'm excited. It's all feeling so official and professional right now.

Also in H. Eye news: We've been talking about starting a workshopping group through the magazine and our tentative launch date is going to be next month. I'm hoping we can get this workable and pull in enough interest to build a good group.


Mishell said...

I would be highly interested in this group, if it fits in within the parameters of my undeniably strange schedule. (Please, please say you're going to be holding the meetings on tuesdays.)

Ali said...

It's not firm yet, but I'm pretty sure the workshopping group will be meeting on the weekend.

I'll let you know, though, when we have a for-sure day.