Saturday, December 22, 2007


As I near the end of the month, and especially the end of the workable part of the month since this time next week I'll be in Mexico, I have to admit that I was overly ambitious in my goals. Like I've never done that before. I'm like the person at a buffet who says, "I'm going to try that, and that, and that, and I better get some of that, and that..." I've still got to work on my portion control.

Here's my question for you: Metaphorically speaking, what tends to be the relative size of your eyes in proportion to your stomach?


Jenny Maloney said...

My eyes say Thanksgiving and my stomach says peanut.

The only reason I'm getting anything done this month is because I said: Read. And that's all I'm doing. It's the easiest bit I've set myself all year--and maybe the only thing I'm gonna really finish....

Minion GIR said...

Ditto what Jenny said. Always biting off more than I can chew. I guess, maybe, I'll figure it out one of these days.