Sunday, December 2, 2007

Scraping the Barrel

Here I am on Sunday night, about to go crazy from the boredom that only incredibly tedious, boring homework (20 source annotated bibliography for the terrible class, 8 sources still to go) can induce and I'm thinking that I may have been overly ambitious with my goals for the month/week. I'm nearly out of week and I haven't even picked up Strong Heart, much less begun revising it.

In the meantime, finals week and the due dates for monstrous final projects rampage ever nearer. I can't help but wonder how much more I've got left in me. It feels like I'm a hair away from running dry. Bad timing, to say the least.

Have you ever completely run out of steam? Have you come close, but perservered? What got you through it?


The One and Only John said...

Hard-nosed determination, plenty of water, a four-pack of Red Bull, music that revs up my heartbeat, and indifference to lack of sleep.

Jenny Maloney said...

Deb told me once that the amount of work fills to the space allotted(I wish this thing had spell check) if you do the work. So, I'd say if you've got a couple hours, caffeine and, like John said, an indifference to lack of sleep, you've got it in the bag. (There also has to be a certain element of not caring about the consequences...)