Sunday, April 12, 2009

Speaking of Queries

I just read a nifty thing about pitching your novel. It's a guide on how to take your whole novel and boil it down to a log line in a useful way. Check it out: How to Put It Together Into One Neat Tweet.


Jenny Maloney said...

That's pretty awesome and helpful!

Ali said...

Good question, Camii. I'm thinking my Cass tweet deserves a post of its own, once I write it. I'm buckling down on my thesis preface right now, so it'll have to wait a couple of days.

As for Oracle, well, I've been thinking I might be ready to pick it up again after I run Cass through the CWC.

Jenny Maloney said...

Pick it up! Pick it up! You have to at least finish Oracle....

Minion GIR said...

Yes, please!

And you need something to work on while we're looking at Cass.

Marie D-W said...

Thanks so much for the tip.