Sunday, March 22, 2009

Two P.I.s Walk Into a Bar...

Lately, I've been trying to find some novels to read that are along similar lines as my Cass project. That's why I recently read Fool Moon by Jim Butcher, which I wasn't super impressed with - you can't pull off 1st person POV when the narrator is that in love with how tall he is and how awesome his coat is.

During my library adventure I picked out Underground by Kat Richardson. Also 1st person, also with a PI narrator who's tied to the supernatural. However, I liked the voice much better here. Much less, "look how cool I am." Richardson used 1st person well and I liked her treatment of the supernatural a lot. Underground is the 3rd book in a series and now I feel the need to get the others from the library.

In terms of researching the genre, it was good to read both. In terms of what I like, I'm more glad I read Richardson than Butcher.


Minion GIR said...

I agree with you on the Butcher book--I'm the one who discarded it after all. :0) I'll have to try Richardson.

Reading something that makes me cringe always sends me back to my own stuff to look it over and see if I do the same. Sometimes the answer is yes, unfortunately. But at least I've found one problem.

Good luck in your search.

Jenny Maloney said...

Read Laurel K Hamilton. I know it's vampires, but it's pretty cool anyway. Anita Blake is less in love with herself and she raises zombies. It's fun. Very PI noirish...