Sunday, November 15, 2009

Needle and Thread

There are few things that brighten one's day like getting a message that says,
"Dear Ali –
Thank you for submitting your story for our consideration. I am pleased to inform you that “Needle and Thread" has been accepted and will appear in the February 16, 2010 issue of The Absent Willow Review. Please continue submitting and thank you for sharing your work with us!"

I'm excited.


Debbie said...

Well you should be. Woo hoo.

Quite a week, huh?

YA Sleuth said...

So happy for you! And that's a great story (if it's the one from the thesis, which it must be), so very deserved.

You're on a roll!

Jenny Maloney said...

That's so awesome...and an awesome story too. Shame it came like a day after you defended your thesis and couldn't say what badass you are.

Ali said...

Yeah, if only I'd known a few days earlier. This would have been perfect news to announce during my defense.

B. Freret said...

This, to me, cooler than your thesis. But that is just me, and I have a ginormous hole in my head.

Ali said...

Hey B., I know what you mean. The thesis was something I had to do, but getting published is pure bonus.

Jenny Maloney said...

By the way, we already know what a badass you are.