Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thesis Defense

It's official, folks. My thesis is pretty much done. I'll be defending Thursday, November 12. Then it's off to Fort Collins for approval.


Jenny Maloney said...

Do you get to have an audience? I can try to come and cheer you on.

B. Freret said...


Will you be traveling by balloon?

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Ali said...

Jenny - I'm not required to recruit an audience, though the defense is open to anyone who'd like to come. It starts at 4:00 and it's going to be on-campus. Let me know if you'd like details.

Boudreau - Sadly, I don't think the balloon will be ready by then ;)

Jenny Maloney said...

Damn, I was hoping it was in the morning. I can't make the afternoon....I'll cheer you on from the store!

YA Sleuth said...

Same here: can't make the afternoon (kiddos)... Damn. Had hoped to bring popcorn and cheer you on :-)

But I'll cheer you on in spirit. Would be nice for you to wrap this shindig up before the holidays, no?

Debbie said...

Lots of cheering and juju from this direction as well.

Huge sigh with it's all over, right?

Ali said...

I'm sure all the good juju will help. Thanks guys :)