- A list on a post-it that shows which chapters were in which character's POV
- My original notebook where I wrote the first big chunk out long hand
- Some assorted hardcopies with comments from my original go-around submitting it to the gang (though these assorted hardcopies don't account for all of the chapters I submitted, nor all the missing chapters)
- The synopsis I submitted as I was running chapters through the group (so they could remember stuff that had happened in previous months' submissions)
- My original note cards (now transferred to the Bible)
- A series of individual chapter-files
- My rewritten first chunk from the contest
It's a bit overwhelming to think of, all together, so I'm focusing on the bits and pieces.
- Print out the old stuff
- Dig out my commented-on hardcopies from a couple years ago
- Read through those parts
- Print out the new stuff
- Read through it, and make any corrections/additions I need in order to fit the earlier stuff that I'm going to keep
- Start writing on from the new rewrite, transcribing from what I originally had and filling in what went missing
And steak, right? Then pizza on Monday. We should be able to keep you going for a few days.
You definitely need binder clips. =)
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