Sunday, February 15, 2009

Using Momentum

Since I did a coffee shop day yesterday and since I'm itching to make progress on my thesis, I opted for another coffee shop day today. Different coffee shop, and a specialty latte that had an unfortunately high amount of sugary syrups in it. Today I dove into another long and labor intensive story, "The Honeymoon of Mr. and Mrs. Roux." I got in an hour and a half of more notes, crossing out of things, and writing in of things.

Finally, I hit the point where, instead of complete notes/rewrites, I was writing only "Something else here" and decided to call it a day. I'm not sure if I'll make it to the part where I'm transferring my edits to the computer today (still have a pile of grading to do and I promised myself a trip to the movie theater tonight to catch Underworld 3 if I was good), but at least I've got a lot of notes.

I think I might try and make a point of doing some out of the house pages throughout the week, too, since this weekend has gone so well. I'll probably do more library pages than coffee shop pages, though, since I can only drink so much coffee.

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