Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's On, Like Butter on Toast

Because he's begun lifting heavy objects, John seems to think he can out-write me in the next two weeks. So, now we have another bet.

My problem is that I can't decide what the terms should be. Namely, what's the pay off for the winner if one of us *cough* John *cough* doesn't make it to the page count?

When it comes to bet penalties there are different schools of thought. I lean away from the mean or terrible and emphasize the benefit of the winner over the pain of the loser.

Thus far I've had thoughts about the loser baking a batch of cookies for the winner, car washing, or the loser buying the winner a milkshake. However, I'm feeling the need for more ideas, so I'm going to ask for a little audience participation here. What do you think? What's a good penalty for losing the bet?


Minion GIR said...

How about a new car?

Yeah, you're right, that's a bit much. Okay, then a whole dinner is a good idea. Food is almost always a good motivator.

Jenny Maloney said...

Though baking definitely shows effort and time sacrifice...

Ali said...

True, but I don't know if I trust John to bake :)