Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Comp. 101 Student Evaluations

For my class, I get two sets of evaluations. One set is the standard multiple choice evaluation required by the university. The other set was a list of questions I printed up and handed to my class that expands the feedback the multiple choice can give me.

This second set is the one that's ultimately more useful. Also, it's the one I just read through. Yeah, the student critiques of my very first class have been sitting in an unopened envelope all this time. How could I wait that long?! Well, I already had a good idea of what the jist would be.

Which brings me to one specific I would like to share with the world at large. This is just about the only time I'll ever mention anything specific about the students, but I think it's warranted. One of the questions I asked of my students was how they thought my Composition 101 class could be improved.

To paraphrase a couple of the responses: "We should write less and talk more instead."

Thanks guys, I'll take that under consideration.


Minion GIR said...

How prosaic of you to expect students to "write" in a Composition class.


Jenny Maloney said...

Told you you were too bossy.