Tuesday, June 12, 2007

New Writing Group?

"So, I've been chatting with Lydia and Ali and Felie over the last couple of weeks, and it seems that we need to start a writing group!!!!"

There's been talk of a writing group for a few weeks now. It would be a collection of people from the university, all or most of whom have been in workshop classes together before. While the Co. Springs writers group is all well and groovy, I think it'd be nifty to have another. Between the two, the dynamics would be very different both in terms of people involved and the type of writing that'd be produced.

Co. Springs - widely varying degrees of ability, more commercial-focused bent on the fiction.
New group - all people who've gone through workshops, a generally higher and more similar degree of ability, literary focus on the fiction and poetry.

Could be very interesting. Bonus: now that people have gotten their BAs and scattered, this'd be a great way to stay in touch with old friends.

Nothing's definite yet, but it looks like it's going to happen.

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