Monday, July 28, 2008

A Whole Hour

I just finished making copies of the first part of the bar novel for the group. With a whole hour to spare, even. Piece of cake.

Page count met: check. Granted, I wiggled a bit, but still: check.

Critiques done: check. And, since I did them so recently, they're nice and fresh in my mind.

It's funny to me that tonight I submit the first chunk of my bar novel since tonight we'll be critiquing the first chunk of Jenny's bar novel. The two use the central bar in different ways, and there are plenty of other differences, but there's still some overlap in spots because we're covering some of the same ground: booze, laying out a bar, and female protagonists.

Now, the real question is if I can keep up the pace I've been going at so I can write the next chunk over two months rather than two weeks. Wouldn't that be cool?

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