This month was all about taking risks and I think I did pretty well in that regard. I submitted five different pieces for publication, went to a variety of get-togethers (even a few where I hardly knew anyone who'd be there), and accepted the job of Head Editor of The Hungry Eye. Not to mention the fact that I've officially decided to write a creative thesis. Scary.
The biggest discoveries were how hard it is to submit multiple pieces at a time and what it's like to get out more. Submitting: yeesh. It was definitely more work than I had imagined, even to just decide which piece should go where. I think the next time I set submission goals, I will make sure to have all my pieces ready before I even start researching markets.
Then, over the month, I've gone to more dinners, parties, etc. than I have over certain years (or so it seems, anyhow). Whew. I'm glad I pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone and I had fun spending a little more time with certain people, and eating good food, etc. However, now that the semester's in full swing, I think my socializing is going to drop off. Being social takes up a lot of time, and I need to devote that to other things, like homework.
So, in the end, a whole month of deciding to do things, not despite, but because they were outside of my comfort zone was a pretty productive month for me. Some things got pushed to the side - I still haven't revised the chicken heart story yet - but a lot of other things came out that wouldn't have otherwise. A good month for me.
Now tell me, how was it for you? Did you do anything that really made you squirm?
I wrote so much it made me dizzy...does that count?
I didn't get to the writing of the query letters like youse guys suggested, but I will definitely give them a 'practice run' before actually submitting. Just not this month. Timing is everything, yes?
What? Nothing scary at all? In a whole month? Wuss.
I suppose I've got to give you partial points, though, for writing like a fiend. Especially if you bring me more pages of FJR on Sunday. *hint, hint*
I was pretty scared at the beginning of the jury duty process. That surprised me, but I think it's because there was the potential to really mess up someone's life if you get it wrong. Or to help set things right if you can.
And the case I was on was in that general catagory. Not exactly life or death, but still some serious issues. Then my fear was that I'd be the Henry Fonda in a 12 Angry Men scenario. Would I stand up for what I really believed, or would I cave in to the pressure from the others?
But the first round of voting found 4 on the same page, one (not me) disagreeing and one on the fence. (Side note: civil case = 6 jurors) We all stated why we felt the way we did, read the instructions from the judge, took another vote and it was unanimous. We even asked the woman who originally disagreed if she really had changed her mind because we didn't mind talking about it some more, but she was definite at that point. Total deliberations took about fifteen minutes.
So not something I set out to do to stretch myself, but overall a positive experience.
No pages until it's done. I wanna do all my printing in one shot. So, by November's first Monday...
And I'll even let you hold me to that and deny me brownies/tea/hot chocolate at said first Monday...
Cheers, Camii. It's funny how intimidating being more social can be. Going to Constance's party was more intimidating than submitting things for publication, so I can totally empathize. :)
Wow, Deb. (flashes on the Sex & the City episode where Carrie does jury duty) Anybody have exotic fruit in their briefcase?
Hrm, I suppose I can wait one extra day for FJR - as long as it's only that one day.
NOVEMBER...not'll be a month
Dude, when did you become the Head Editor of the Hungry Eye? Man. I'm out of the loop and your right across the hall.
And what about you, Mrs. Jenny? What else makes you dizzy?
About a week ago, Dorothy.
Right, November. The semester's starting to wear me out, I'm starting to get easily confused.
Whew, for a second I was worried that *I* was the one confused and had to push the deadline back. I had to get up and look at a calendar....
That's the kinda stuff that makes me dizzy, Miz D.
Hmmm, getting out of your comfort zone? That would entail actually getting out, wouldn't it? The only places I get out to these days is Canon City to see my mom, the university to see Cindy, and the store. I haven't worked on any "creative" pieces, but I've got 10 pages of my thesis done, and it lookes like I'll be able to actually complete the darn thing, one day.
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