Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Book Recommendations

Since I gained some reading momentum last month, I'm hoping I can keep it up at least a little. To that end, I'm going to ask you all for some help. I'm looking to find some new authors and I'm hoping you might have some books to point me to.

These days I'm looking for books that have some humor to them, whether that's the overall tone of the book or an undercurrent. Snark, slap stick, whatever, I'm in a mood to bring on the giggles. Genre-wise, I'm pretty open. I'm not really interested in Romance and I tend not to read a whole lot of Sci-Fi because it's a genre that I think translates better on film. That said, I'm open to any other genres.

So, can you give me a couple of titles to look up? Thanks in advance.


Jenny Maloney said...

I am trying to get through Tom Robbin's Villa Incognito...but there's a little too much weird sex in it for me--hilarious, but weird. Just finished The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, it's not funny but it's awesome. Janet Evanovich is funny and a really quick kind of read.

Debbie said...

Postcards From A Dead Girl by Kirk Farber. A quick read, quirky as all get out, and funny to boot.

lizzielion said...

Try any of the Bill Bryson books. He is intelligent and laugh out loud funny, both about America and the UK. 'Notes from a Big Country', 'Notes from a Small Island' and 'Shakespeare' are all brilliant. Happy reading.

Balanced Fitness Man said...

You should check out Philip K. Dick, his sci-fi work is incredible and it's always better in written form.

Ali said...

Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone.